Monday, October 6, 2008

The success of our intention to promote interest in the wonders of Science and Technology among younger generation should not lie on one party’s shoulder but on other divisions too. Science Centre in certain countries, for example the Arizona Science Centre and our very own National Science Centre situated in Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur are established with that aim in mind. In general, Science Centres promote 21st Century skills in Science of Technology field to both adults and young children alike.

(adapted from know99television)


Ruo Sheng said...

i have been to the science center myself. it was a great place to go. it really inspire me a lot in this field. children is our country future asset. to be able to survive in the future, our children should really be equipted with interest in science and technology.

cindy said...

It is important to boost the interest of the children in science and technology..However, there was lack of the knowledge among the science teachers regarding the skills to teach the children and provide chances for them to discover in the nature of world..

See said...

As a future teacher, it is important for us to build and boost the students' interest in science and technology. They are the one who will determine our future's.

Zeqi said...

Yes,this is comething that we often forgot, the science center is such a great teaching and learning resources and place, we really should make use of it. Besides, i also see the important role of parents as well, to guide and give suggestion to kids. Besides, values are very important to instil in kids' inventor as well, we must let them know that it's ok to try and error, encourage them to try and continue trying , then they will succeed. The country, developmment of the science and technology centre, parents and teachers all play important role in the invention of the kids.