Monday, October 6, 2008

Another party whom should shoulder the responsibility to instill interest in Science and Technology could be no other than the parents and educators. Mini science projects done at home and in school will get the children yearning for more. Budding scientists and inventors will bloom into respected inventors given the right amount of guidance, inspirations and issues for them to look into.

Non scientists/inventors parents need not feel small and intimidated in inspiring their children. As a guideline, when we guide our children, we should be reminded that no idea is stupid. It may need to be rethought, revamped, and redesigned, but if our kids think of something, give that idea your attention. After all, inventors have been known to moot lots of ideas that never worked before they found success.

Another guideline in guiding our children would be that we should take our kids’ ideas seriously. Words like ‘don’t” and “never/will never work” should not be in our vocabulary. We also should always look for ways to make the idea works and if it just cannot work, discuss the problems and look for solutions.

It is also recommended that we write the idea(s) down. If it is on paper, it is easier to rework it as the visual image(s) we have drawn or the flow of idea(s) or concept(s) written can be seen clearly and what, where and how the idea or concept can be improvised can be more feasible.

Finally, in guiding our children in the world discovery of Science and Technology, we can discuss with kids what features about the invention would make it desirable to others and work towards it.

If the guidelines we have given you still seem too overhelming for you, may we suggest you enroll your kids under special training programme(s) that we think they will do well to the kids as well as remove the tension of producing young inventors that may have already built up within you? Log on Kid Inventor – Shinet Corporation Main Page for details.

(adapted from fastfocustv)

Overall, we feel it is high time for our local experts, educators and researchers, beside the vital role, parents have in inspiring children into being kids inventors as discussed earlier, to look into all aspects of our educational system and revamp it if necessary. We must able to focus on the development of kid inventors and their world-acknowledged inventions. Indeed, we cannot deny the fact that today's young inventors will be shaping our tomorrow!


Ruo Sheng said...

Hmm... I will be working with children in the future. Thanks for giving me some idea on how to handle children's idea.

See said...

Yes. i agree with you for what you have written especially no idea is stupid. Ideas that nobody thought about it doesn't mean that it does not exist.

cindy said...

It is not an easy task to handle the children...anyway,thanks for the ideas of handling the children.

Zeqi said...

wow, great... from this blog,i realize the teacher's great responsibility in guiding students invention. Rather than reject kid's invention, we need to provide them with useful and sufficient guidance for the invention to be workable. yaya, kids can be very creative compared to adult...i think we as future teacher need to provide them the opportunities to develop their invention ideas and skills.

许友彬 said...

你很厉害e,还会blog in angmo,而且里面还有小电影。我说真的啦,你做得很好,像你做所有事情一样,非常认真。Keep it up(让它起)。

Mei Ying said...

i get quite a good idea from u. education system last time was restrict children's creative ideas. teachers are dominate the children most of the time. however, i think that education nowadays is getting open and emphasize on creative and innovative thinking from young children. therefore, teacher nowadays should stop using the chalk and talk teaching method but give more discovery time for children to explore themselves. let's learning be fun and interesting.

swee teng said...

i agree that u said v need 2 care on the children's idea even though the idea is childish or ridiculous where it will be a motivator for them 2 discover more and think out the boxes. Normally children will learn more from the mistake during the exploration rather than just memories the fact from the textbook. they might come out the different idea on their discovery world and make fun of it.

Adnan Naim said...

Very nice blog and very informative but your right column should be filled with other information such as pictures or links to similar pages.