Monday, October 6, 2008

History too has proven to us that young inventors who became well-known for their contributions, such as Thomas Alva Edison had devoted his spare time mainly in experimentations since the age of 15 years old and Alexandra Graham Bell had been working on the idea of transmitting speech since he was 18. If not for their persistence and early interest in the technology, we would have to wait for a longer time to see in darkness just by a click of a switch and have the ability to hear someone’s voice, who is miles and miles away, in a split second through a phone line.

Thomas Alva Edison


Another good example of kid inventor was Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 14 year-old who realized that an electron beam could scan a picture in horizontal lines, reproducing the image of the picture almost instantaneously. His finding was a critical discovery towards electronic television. In fact, that famous discovery was a breakthrough that has brought joy and knowledge to many through the world of television.

Philo Taylor Farnsworth



cindy said...

Although history of science is not a very important concept to teach to the children in nowadays, but the children also needed to be taught about the history of science in order to instill the value of appreciation among the new generation.

See said...

KIds nowadays should appreciate and learn from past time scientists and inventors, their desire and also their determination. We must learn not to give up easily and keep on doing until we are success.

Zeqi said...

Wow, these scientists inspire, motivate me a lot, and strengthen my believes that kids can be great inventor. Nurturing kids from their childhood time to be innovative and creative will have a great impact in their development in creation of science and technology. It's impact in the whole life, their creation can be benefit to all the human beings...Hence, we as teacher must believe in kids' strength and give them the best support and opportunities.